No because they’ll just murder everyone because they feel a little offended over anything
Answer: D. To provide a pension system to support workers during their
The Social Security system was founded by the Social Security Act, signed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1935 as part of the New Deal. The general idea was to provide federal aid for elderly, unemployed, and disadvantaged people. However, the main purpose was to provide monetary compensations to retirees over sixty-five years according to their previous tax payments.
They elected as the first professor to occupy that chair George Wythe, styled by Jefferson as the American Aristides.
July 2001, In Lusaka, Zambia
Letter A. Solon
Thus in Athens in 594 bc Solon did not abolish the Areopagite Council but is said to have created a boule of 400 to guide the work of the assembly, or Ecclesia. Cleisthenes increased the membership of the Athenian Boule to 500 in 508 bc.