C. The working class proletariat taking the means of production from the wealthy bourgeois.
Karl Marx was a German philosopher who is considered the father of sociology because of his study emphasis on the relationships that exist between economy, social structure, and social life. His theory determines a social conflict between the two classes that are preliterate or workers and capitalist bourgeoisie, over the means of production.
Gas particles have broken away from the intermolecular forces that hold liquids and solids together. An alternative name for intermolecular forces is the van der Waals forces. They include London Dispersion Forces, dipole-dipole forces, and hydrogen bonds.
Hope this helps
1. Examples of approved sanctions are Congratulatory messages and Celebrations.
2. Examples of disapproved sanctions are Embarrassment and Criticism.
Social sanctions are the response of society to the conduct of individuals residing therein. These sanctions are meant to ensure that the norms and values, that society advocates are complied with. Social sanctions can be negative or positive. <em>Negative social sanctions are given when society disapproves of a person's conduct. </em>Their response could be to cause the offender shame, embarrassment, and ridicule. He could also be punished through fines and penalties.
<em>Positive social sanctions are the response of society to good conduct by an individual.</em> They celebrate and congratulate the individual because of his achievement. He could also be promoted and awarded in recognition of his performance.