I would want to believe A, Ginsburg was a women's rights champion and the court's second female justice., is the answer because it explains more about the person in question, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, that is.
While the other options were more about what she said or did, A in particular is talking about who Ruth is, and even went as much as listing an accolade of hers, that she's the court's second female justice.
So, I go with A
The only safe generalization one can make on the subject is that it is common for today's candidates to ach was a fairly close election between the top two candidate
Answer: LOL yes, the nacho fries ad needs to go away
It is the duty of Congress to have hearings in order to confirm a Supreme Court Justice nominee (as stated in the Constitution). This exclusive power rests on the U.S. Senate. The consensus, however, may be different and may vote against a nominee. Political parties within the Senate generally get in the way of who will vote and who won't, and vice-versa.
For example, Merrick Garland (former President Obama's nominee) was not given a hearing. Furthermore, Congress failed to perform the duties to have a hearing and decide whether to vote or deny a nominee. This is an example of how they refused to even vote on him. This is not the way government should operate.
Answer: a bachelor's degree in criminal justice is not required, and you really just have to go through a course, but a cj degree could help a lot