Oxygen used in cellular respiration ends up in ATP Synthesis in Oxidative Phosphorylation.
Since oxygen is the last electron acceptor in Electron transfer chain, the H ions flow through ATP synthase for ATP synthesis. The electrons from the NADH and FADH are pumped from the matrix of mitochondria to inter-membrane space. The energy released due to the proton gradient formed is used for making ATP.
-The nurse gives information about the patient to telephone callers who inquire about the patient.
-Medical care requires the invasion of privacy. Patients must expose their innermost thoughts, their bodies, and their sickrooms to strangers. But to protect human dignity, health providers should limit invasions to those necessary to accomplish the goals of their patients.
-Invasion of privacy and confidentiality are of critical legal and medical concern. The right to privacy means that a client has the right to expect that his or her property will be left alone. Healthcare individuals may be charged with trespassing, illegal search and seizure, or releasing private information (even if the information is true).
the axolotl ( say "ax- oh- lot-el") is a Mexican species of salamendar . its also known as mexican walking fish .it can regenerate , repair or replace its arms,legs,tail ,lower jaw ,brain and heart
in reptile involves dropping a section of their tail and regenerating it as part of a defense mechanism
kinda looks like a cricket or grasshopper prob a cricket tho
Answer: Pulmonary aortic valve