Literature allows people to travel through time to understand different aspects of the world like culture, traditions, stories, love, sacrifices, freedom struggles, etc.
Literature provides a path to ideas and imaginations to experience the past historic moments at present time.
Literature mirrors people's emotion, the power of the government, political thinking, society, etc. It reflects humanity and helps to understand each other, conveys messages, ideas, theories, discoveries, and innovations. It helps to figure out what factors make a character decide his/her choices.
According to Collins, literature is like a path used by our ancestors to convey various information from the past that gives an idea of life and death.
To put out a fire in a person's hair or clothing use<u> the fire blanket.</u>
If anyone's hair or clothing catches on fire, immediately try to smother the flames with a wool fire blanket, or cotton clothing. Do not ever try to smother flames with nylon clothing: it could melt onto the skin.
If the fire cannot be immediately smothered, force the person to the ground and roll them over and over, to smother the flames.
If a person's clothes catch fire, the best way to extinguish the fire is to cover the person with a woolen blanket. By covering with a blanket, we are preventing the supply of oxygen, which is a supporter of combustion. Throwing water on them is not the suitable thing, if the fire has been caused due to electricity.
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