Director of state Emergency Management Agency
State Emergency Management Agency was created by executive orders in 1979 in order to coordinate all available resources within local and state level to handle various type of disasters that occurred in united states (such as earthquakes, hurricane, etc).
State emergency Management Agency will take the full control in large-scale emergencies, gathered groups of professionals from various fields to help with the operation, along with providing local residence with education on what need to be done in order to survive the disastrous event.
According to the story, the principal wanted to make a special rule preventing Marta fromgetting the scholarship jacket. This is considered discrimination. In the context of this story,where does prejudice and discrimination come from? Cite evidence from this text, your ownexperience, and other literature, art, or history in your answer.3.Would it have been fair if the school had given the jacket to Joann? Why or why not?4.In your opinion, what makes a situation fair? Cite evidence from this text, your ownexperience, and other literature, art, or history in your answer.5.The narrator says, “Grandpa knew that I understood it was not a matter of money”(Paragraph 18). Is this true? What if the principal hadn’t decided to give Marta the jacketanyway?6.In the context of this story, what can – and can’t – money buy? Do you believe money canlead to happiness? Why or why not? Cite evidence from this text, your own experience, andother literature, art, or history in your answer.8
When increasing temperature you also increase pliablity (elasticity); muscle fatigue
Acid Rain is the problem threatening Europe's forests, lakes, and rivers. Acid rain travels via the wind and the acid pollutants can travel through this said wind to multiple countries. It was a large problem in the 1970's and 80's.