I would say different
Like you like different genders
I'm so sorry, but may you have an image because I see nothing other than "
State a conclusion based on the data from this experiment."
form cell membrane
It provides barriers in cellular membranes to protect the cell , and they make barriers for the organelles with in those cells. It work to provide pathways for various substance across membranes
The correct option is ALDOSTERONE.
Angiotensin ll is one of the most potent sodium retaining hormones. It regulates aldosterone release from the adrenal cortex. The aldosterone hormone stimulates sodium re-absorption through mineralocorticoid receptors in the connecting and cortical segments of the collecting tubules.
In this specific scenario, seeing since both of the mediums are differential, the bacteria can grow on either of them, therefore either of them would be a good choice. A differential media allows the researcher to visually distinguish which species have the specific biochemical process. Which in this case both options have the ability to allow bacteria to grow which is what is needed.