The answer is "first"
The Abundance Nursery requires a huge number of unskilled employees to maintain and harvest the flower fields. The place where the nursery is located, there is a large supply of unskilled workers.
So the Abundance Nurseries should use the first-quartile approach to compensation strategy for the employees.
For every job there is a salary grade and the employers used this to place their employees into this salary grade depending upon the qualifications, past experience, skill sets, abilities, etc.
The salary grade has been classified into four quartiles namely --
1st quartile
2nd quartile
3rd quartile
4th quartile
The 1st quartile is used when the employees are new to the job and still in the learning process. The employees meets the minimum qualification and have less or very little experience and skills.
Thus the answer is first quartile.
Is a part of epistemology<span> that attempts to understand the justification of </span>propositions<span> & </span><span>beliefs</span>
Pastoralism is a slightly more efficient form of subsistence. Rather than searching for food on a daily basis, members of a pastoral society rely on domesticated herd animals to meet their food needs. Pastoralists live a nomadic life, moving their herds from pasture to pasture. Because their food supply is far more reliable, pastoral societies can
And horticultural society is an organization devoted to the study and culture of cultivated plants
so the comparison is Horticultural societies grow crops as using simple tools, while on the other hand Pastoral societies raise livestock.
The answer is Piaget's autonomous morality stage.
The influential psychologist Jean Piaget believed that children developed their morality in stages. The first was the heteronomous morality stage (between 5 and 9 years) where morality is imposed from the outside largely by authority figures like parents and teachers. The autonomous morality stage begins at around age 9 or 10 when children begin to recognize there is no absolute right or wrong. Piaget observed that children at this stage tend to base moral judgments on the intention of the actor rather than the consequences of the actions
. They also think of hypothetical circumstances that might affect whether a rule should be applied or not. At this age the peer group of the child widens and they learn more about the morality of others and their own ideas begin to change.