What would we be lost without the ancient Egyptians?
We would be lost without the tools and simple inventions that the ancient Egyptians created, like the vase and the plow and even paper. Overall, the Ancient Egyptians have made a huge impact on modern day life
2. She has been admitted to the hospital for a double mastectomy due to her recent breast cancer diagnosis.
The hospital records will confirm her age . Her medical file will depict her true age.
D. A speech should never be excessively reliant on a single source. While multiple sources make a speech stronger and gets the point across better, it's also not a good thing to overly rely on support. Your own ideas are needed, too.
The europeans brought infectuous diseses such as the bubonic plague, chicken pox, pneumonic plague, cholera, diphtheria, influenza, measles, scarlet fever, smallpox, typhus, tuberculosis, and whooping cough. The diseases introduced in the Americas by the Europeans were crowd diseases: that is, individuals who have once contracted the disease and survived become immune to the disease.