associative play.
Associative play: The term "associative play" is described as a phenomenon that includes the "social play development" through children or preschoolers. Associative play is considered as the very first stage in which a child interacts socially and is often considered as important in children's play because they've started engaging in mutual activities yet not demonstrate a common goal.
The most common age in which a child is engaged in associative play is three to four years of age.
A Matter of Color: African Americans Face Discrimination
"While We Do Not Discriminate, We Do Segregate"
African Americans faced continuing discrimination and segregation during World War II. At the same time, a number of developments during the war served to quicken the pace of the struggle for equal rights. The massive migration of African Americans from the rural South to cities in the North and West brought new opportunities and challenges. Jobs in the military and defense industries brought expanded horizons and increased expectations. And, the hypocrisy of America fighting for freedom in other lands while denying it to minorities at home brought new legitimacy and resonance.
National Developments
African American civil rights groups and institutions grew in number and militancy during the war, determined to use the war effort to extract concessions and make gains for the movement. Many African American civil rights leaders vowed not to repeat what they saw as the mistake during World War I of putting aside their grievances for the duration of the war. One outgrowth of this strategy was the "Double V" [Victory] campaign, which aimed to fight racist fascism at home and abroad at the same time: "Defeat Hitler, Mussolini, and Hirohito," one newspaper exhorted, by "Abolishing Jim Crow." The campaign called on blacks to loyally serve the nation while emphasizing the contradictions between America's professed values and its behavior with respect to racial discrimination.Footnote1
c)Sprout every year, year after year
Douglas MacArthur,
In July 1941, MacArthur was recalled to active duty and became commander of U.S. forces in the Pacific. A Japanese invasion of the Philippines that same year drove MacArthur’s forces from the country, but in the years that followed, MacArthur launched a number of successful offensive operations against the Japanese military in the region. During this time, he was frequently and openly critical of his superiors’ decision to focus military resources on the war in Europe rather than in the Pacific.