According to Freud, a person may become fixated at a particular psychosexual stage because of overindulgence or frustration.
Sigmund Freud illustrates different stages of psychosexual development embedded within degrees of conflict and frustration. Alluding to the same, he establishes how a person is unable to move on to the next stage.
He focuses on the fixation stage further describing how resolving a conflict and moving on to the stage of life is significant to becoming a healthy adult.
According to Freud, fixation happens when the libido, or some part of it, is invested in one specific psychosexual stage.
For example, overindulging children would also lead to fixation and decline in development, hence, resulting in them getting stuck.
Hereby, a person may become fixated at a particular psychosexual stage because of overindulgence or frustration with a conflict.
Furthermore, Freud states that adults who struggle with fixation find a solution in therapy which helps them project their feelings onto someone else through a process known as transference.
To know more about Freud’s understanding of fixation, refer to the link provided -