All this information is from my personal point of view each person has a different opinion regarding this topic.
We are all somehow victims of stereotypes, since there has always been a lack of interest between genders, from a very young age they teach us, what kind of things we can do, with what kind of toys we can play, what colors we can use, and everything is tagging with a gender, even in some university careers there is always a discrimination between genders, then I will give you examples of what you mention:
The things we can do
in the case of children
-can play in the mud
-You can practice many sports
- teach them to fix things
- They put them to watch cartoons of children such as superheroes, racing etc.
In the case of girls
- teach them not to get dirty
- that they have to be inside the house
- they teach domestic chores
- They put them to see girl cartoons such as barbie, my little pony etc.
Many know that the big difference in toys, the main ones are dolls and carts, many people see very badly that a boy brings a doll as a toy and that a girl brings a dinusaurus, since according to society each toy already brings a genre And it's frowned upon.
The colors that can be used
When you go to the supermarket with the naked eye you can see the difference between gender and gender in boy and girl clothes as well as prints, you go to the girls section and everything is pink, purple, green, when you go to the section as a child, the vast majority of things are blue and red, and the stamped ones are seen as I mentioned with certain cartoons that are already selected for each genre, since you will never see in children a blue t-shirt with a printed princess, or a Pink monstertruck t-shirt for a girl.
In university careers
Nowadays, anyone can study what is reflected in it, but men are commonly seen studying engineering and women with bachelor's degrees, an example is civil engineering, the vast majority are men and if there are women but not many, and in the pediculture degree ( care of young children, teachers of basic levels) you will see all women and one or another man, because the parents then press them to study certain things that according to them are careers for men or careers for women.
How do you want to break stereotypes, leaving aside what it is and for who it is, just letting the boys and girls choose their things to their tastes, don't lock them up so that you don't do this because it's a girl or don't wear it because it's a boy , let them be, if a boy wants to wear pink clothes let him wear pink clothes, if a girl wants a superhero t-shirt, let her use, just like with toys, that they choose their tastes and differences, just like to teach a girl to fix things, let her get dirty to practice rough sports if she wants, and the boy teach her domestic chores, teach her to cook, to clean to weave, those activities do not make the man less man and the woman will not make her less woman.
That will help many people to be more confident and learn to know each other better since if they begin to suppress their tastes and interests from a young age, the only thing we do is create complexed adults with a lack of their own identity.