There is a equal amount I guess free points for me
The while loop is going to be executed until the condition is false.
Since <em>k</em> is initially equal to 1, the loop will execute 88 times. One asterisk will be printed and <em>k</em> will be incremented by one during each iteration.
When <em>k</em> becomes 89, the condition will be false (89 is not smaller or equal to 88) and the loop will stop.
input, output, processing, and storage.
input - the transfer of information into the system. ( ex: what you type on a keyboard. )
output - the presentation of information to the user ( example is the screen. What type of display is presented...?)
processing - obtaining information based on what you you searched ( What search results you get after putting in the input)
Storage - Storing or saving information into files.
So in developing a presentation outline, the first thing that we are going to do is to introduce what it is all about. This means that the main points come first. After the main points, follow the sub points. The sub points serve as the explanation of the main points. After the sub points are the illustrations and examples. These are already the specifics which support the sub points and the main points. Therefore, the answer is A.