The answer to your question is to click on the button with the square on the window options ribbon.
// here is code in c++ to find the approx value of "e".
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// function to find factorial of a number
double fact(int n){
double f =1.0;
// if n=0 then return 1
return 1;
for(int a=1;a<=n;++a)
f = f *a;
// return the factorial of number
return f;
// driver function
int main()
// variable
int n;
double sum=0;
cout<<"enter n:";
// read the value of n
// Calculate the sum of the series
for (int x = 0; x <= n; x++)
sum += 1.0/fact(x);
// print the approx value of "e"
cout<<"Approx Value of e is: "<<sum<<endl;
return 0;
Read the value of "n" from user. Declare and initialize variable "sum" to store the sum of series.Create a function to Calculate the factorial of a given number. Calculate the sum of all the term of the series 1+1/1!+1/2!.....+1/n!.This will be the approx value of "e".
enter n:12
Approx Value of e is: 2.71828
Install recommended updates.
To resolve this exploit the company has to install recommended updates. Since their encryption is prone or unsecured so to have better encryption or more secured encryption they have to install recommended updates.Since log files getting transferred over this channel so the company would not want to someone mess with their log files.
<span>If the temperature gauge moves up to just below the red zone,you should turn off your air conditioner and turn on your
vehicle's heater. Then immediately </span>find a mechanic or pull over safely and contact a road service.