1. intrinsic
2. extrinsic
3. intrinsic
intrinsic motivation comes from within. In 1 & 3, the students motivated themself to feel good about something. no one told them to do anything, they were driven for that feeling
extrinsic motivation comes from outside of yourself. student 2 had an extrinsic motivation, since the teacher was giving extra credit to make them do their work. student 2 (probably) wouldn't do much of the homework if it wasn't for the extra credit. in student 2's situation, he was motivated from his teacher.
Job interviews are a bit like first dates: you can prep all you want, but the unexpected may still pop up and throw you for a loop. Perhaps the interviewer hasn’t looked at your resume and has no idea who you are or what makes you qualified. Or maybe they’ll throw a bizarre question at you that has no relevance to the job at hand (Amazon has been known to ask candidates, “If you were from Mars, how would you solve problems?”). Or maybe there’s just no chemistry (all things being equal, hiring managers are more likely to move forward with a candidate with whom they hit it off).
Our point is this: there’s no way to fully predict an interview process, but there are things you can do to prepare. And we’re here to guide you.
Top 5 Interview Question Themes
As with any job, interview questions tend to fall into a few categories:
All About You
All About Your Work
All About Your Process
What Makes You Tick?
What Are Your Goals?
The swelling of the ocular muscles.
A fat free diet would avoid the donuts and avoid the carbs and other unhealthy parts that it has