YTM 0.089142162
YTC 0.068070103
Difference: 0.021072059 = 0.0211 = 2.11%
To calculate each rate we must solve for a rate at which the future coupon payment and maturity (or call value) equals the market price:
This is solve for excel and goal seek tool
It could also be solve with a financial calculator
Coupon payment: $ 120
time 5 yeaars
rate 0.068070103 (solved with excel)
PV $494.5766
Maturity: $ 1,050 (call price)
time 5.00
rate 0.068070103
PV 755.42
PV c $494.5766
PV m $755.4235
Total $1,250.0002
Cuopon payment: $ 120
time 15 years
rate 0.089142162 (solved with excel)
PV $972.2006
Maturity $ 1,000.00
time 15 years
rate 0.089142162 (solved with excel)
PV 277.80
PV c $972.2006
PV m $277.7995
Total $1,250.0001
B. the passage of time.
Price elasticity of supply measures how sensitive quantity supplied are to changes in price.
Price elasticity of supply is determined by the passage of time.
Typically, in the short run, the elasticity of supply is usually inelastic. Prices do not usually impact quantity supplied because in the short run, some of the factors of production are fixed. But in the long run, the price elasticity of supply are more elastic.
The other factors listed above in the options affect the price elasticity of demand.