La respuesta correcta a esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente. Aunque no existen opciones de respuestas, comentaremos lo siguiente.
Describe cómo se da la violencia escolar dirigida:
1.- Por los alumnos contra sus pares: siendo groseros con ellos. Faltándoles el respeto con caras y modos, contestaciones absurdas y actitudes que muestran su mala gana.
Por un docente contra los alumnos: faltando el respeto a los alumnos con posturas despectivas o comentarios lastimosos. Con actitudes indiferentes y respuestas groseras o cortantes.
Los alumnos contra los docentes: mostrando su indiferencia en clase, ausentándose de clase sin ningún motivo en particular, interrumpiendo las clases de manera intempestiva, contestando de manera agresiva a las preguntas del maestro.
En la escuela debe existir un muto respeto entre maestros, alumnos, autoridades, y padres de familia. Si se rompe este equilibrio, algunas de las partes se verá más afectada que la otra, causando un daño considerable en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje.
It means that the best way to pull an economy out of a recession is for the government to increase demand by infusing the economy with capital—by spending, in short. If it has to borrow money—go into debt and increase the deficit—to do so, it should.
If the government is open to public criticism, political excesses can be brought forward and used to generate outrage among the voting populace to either get them removed from office or shine the light of truth upon those performing unsavory acts, hopefully shaming them into stopping or changing.
Basically, stopping leaders from becoming tyrants.
Since 40 years have passed since the Supreme Court granted women the legal right to an abortion in its landmark case Roe v. Wade, the issue is still roiled in controversy, as antiabortion groups and state legislatures attempt to chip away at a woman’s right to choose. Over the past two years, 135 new state-level abortion restrictions were enacted. Additionally, 20 states are allowing insurers or employers to deny women affordable contraception by refusing to comply with Obamacare’s birth-control mandate.
In spite of those hurdles, pro-choice advocates have not given up in their fight for reproductive justice. The passage of the Affordable Care Act in 2010, for example, was certainly a victory for those who want to make family-planning tools accessible to all women because it increased health insurance coverage for women while lowering their health costs. Thanks to the health care reform law, millions of more women of color have access to contraception starting in August 2012.
Yet, as the following facts show, there’s still work to be done to ensure that all women especially women of color can access their legal right to decide when and whether to be a parent. Below are the top 10 reasons why women of color have a particularly significant stake in the conversation on abortion and reproductive rights.
Hope this helps, have a nice day! :D