Lunar maria (plural form of the Latin word mare, which means sea) are dark surfaces that can be found all over the moon (17% of the Moon is covered in them) that have been created as a result of volcanic eruptions. These areas are made up of basalt, and given that they seemed almost waterlike, the astronomers in the distant past mistook them for seas, whence their name comes.
When it comes to craters, their origin is quite similar - volcanic eruptions created them. When lava starts erupting from a volcano, it has to get out from somewhere - and thus craters are created. If you are referring to lunar craters, however, there are many speculations as to how they were created: due to volcanic eruptions, meteoric impact, or glacier activity.
The lipids of the cell membrane and the lipids found in butter and vegetable oil differ in the number of fatty acids attached to the glycerol molecule.
What are so called breast-cancer genes, are mutations in two genes: BRCA1 (BReast CAncer gene one) and BRCA2 (BReast CAncer gene two), and are also associated with ovaric cancer. According to the question, these genes are present in the popolation despite surgeries and deaths, and asks why. Surgeries does not eliminate the genes, they eliminate the tumors, and people can still reproduce after that. And also, most people already had offspring before they know they have cancer, so they are inheriting the mutations on the genes anyway.
Answer: Option B.
Biogeographical evidence is the evidence that provide information of organisms distribution over geographical areas. It provide information on how and when the organisms evolved and common descent.
Frombthe question, biogeographical evidence will help Darwin make his observation