Capitalism in practice
Perfect competition is only theoretical, it has never existed nor is it possible to exist. Capitalism as defined cannot exist and any economy that claims to be capitalist is actually some other type of economic system, i.e. only has some capitalist features.
Connie experienced sensory input but she did not attend to it, so the information was not successfully encoded.
Sensory words are descriptive—they describe how we revel in the world: how we odor, see, hear, sense or flavor some thing. words associated with sight suggest colors, shape, or look. for example: gloomy, amazing, vibrant, foggy, enormous.
A sensory stimulus is any event or object this is received through the senses and elicits a reaction from a person. The stimulus can are available many forms including light, heat, sound, contact, in addition to from internal factors.
Learn more about sensory