Your parents,your school,google,your social media accounts
Moderate investor
The moderate investors are most popularly known as 'Balanced investors'. They accepts the risk to principal and they adopt the balanced approach. They mainly uses a mixture of bonds and stocks.
They values the reducing risks and then enhancing the returns equally. They accepts modest risks so as to ensure higher long term returns.
Agentless NAC
An active directory is a kind of storage service that holds data of objects like user credentials, resource location etc, for permission and network access authentication.
Network access control is a form of computer network security that integrates security technology like antivirus, intrusion detection and prevention systems etc to system authorisation and authentication processes to control access to a network.
An agentless network access control uses the active directory to scan devices to confirm its compliance to security policies.
Answer: Probability/impact risk matrix
Explanation: Probability/impact risk matrix is type of matrix that defines the probability as well as impact that depicts whether the risk is low ,high or moderate.
Impact matrix is sort of tool which helps in conversion of any plan into a action. Probability matrix help in defining the chances in defining the risk.The positioning of the impact value of risk is plotted on the vertical axis and performance value on the horizontal axis.
Thus probability/impact matrix is the correct tool for the problem mentioned in the question.
Answer: Azzam used the tool while he was on the third page
The most likely the reason why the phrase was not fixed is because Azzam used the tool while he was on the third page.
This can be infered from the information given when we're told that he uses the Find and Replace tool and clicks on "Replace All" to fix the issue with regards to the error that he made and thus was done from the third page. Therefore, the tool might not have worked for the first page.