Equilibrium because it would be organization if she threw her toys in a particular way in order to organize them. Accomodation would be if she found the easiest and tidiest way of putting them into the box. It's equilibrium because of the pattern in which she administrates her energy when putting the toys in the box.
The Southwest Trail
Southwest Trail crosses the Arkansas River on U.S. Route 70, through Little Rock to Arkansas Highway 5 through Bryant and Benton to U.S. Route 70, then Arkansas Highway 229 to U.S. Route 67.
Land, fresh water, air, and heavy metals.
Many years after the Mexica people first built their proud city, Tenochtitlan (later to become Mexico City), they formed an alliance with two other cities - Texcoco (Tetzcoco) and Tlacopan.
This Triple Alliance was to rule the Valley of Mexico until the
Spanish arrived. However, over time one city become the most powerful -
Tenochtitlan. It would become the heart of the Aztec civilization.
Essentially, Aztec empire history is a history of city-states.
As the empire expanded (which it began to do in earnest around 1428)
it conquered more cities. Some cities resisted. Others were conquered
and began to pay tribute.
, even the term Aztec is a bit misleading. It's a name that is used for
a group of peoples in Central Mexico, but really there wasn't any one
people group that was "Aztec". The Mexica people were at the
heart of the empire, but there were many other cultures that formed the
civilization that the Spanish were to discover.