I would say that the consequence of abstaining and not having sex as a teenager would be that someone who abstains does not end up prematurely pregnant or exposed to STI's and STD's from sexual partners, seeing as they have none. This also allows a person to mentally mature and become an adult before that becomes a concern.
During exercise, stored chemical energy is converted to energy that can be used for muscle movement.
Alcohol is a drug.
It is classified as a Central Nervous System (CNS) depressant, which means that drinking alcohol slows down brain functioning, neural activity, and further reduces the functioning of various vital functions in the body.
In todays culture, online adds and social medias, stress the ideal body image to be nearly impossible to maintain. For example, popular icons are always a big influnce to people, inspirering plastic surgery to alter their appearence to have the 'ideal body image'. However, there are some positive impacts tecnology, and social medias can encourage. That being; helping people find their style, or inspireing them to work twards something they want to achive. In all honnesty it depends on how you take in what social midia, adds, and tecnoligy puts out for you.
(please excuse any typos, you may need to proof read.)