Humans have Diploid cells in our normal cells. However, sex cells contain Haploid cells. To make sex cells or gametes, meiosis needs to be performed(which multiplies the DNA and splits it into 4 daughter cells).
b) In allosteric regulation, a small molecule binds to a large protein and causes it to change its shape and activity.
Allosteric regulation refers to the activity control of an enzyme by binding small molecules to regulatory sites on It. This binding causes an alteration of the protein conformation and consequently the shape of the active site and its catalytic activity are altered. Regulatory enzymes can act by either stimulating or inhibiting the activity of a protein.
The answer is B
The fleas in the container with only distilled water
Just took the test on Apex
3. D
4. C
(DNA contains phosphorus)
From Pearson Biology book
Dmitri Mendeleev
Mendeleev published his periodic table of all known elements and predicted several new elements to complete the table in a Russian-language journal. Only a few months after, Meyer published a virtually identical table in a German-language journal.[45][46] Mendeleev has the distinction of accurately predicting the qualities of what he called ekasilicon, ekaaluminium and ekaboron (germanium, gallium and scandium, respectively). (