Because both of these are true, the Prisoner's Dilemma forces the two sides to cooperate or lose out on benefits that would otherwise be gained by both. This is a case of the tragedy of the commons because when Americans purchase more SUVs, they increase our nation's carbon dioxide emissions and fuel consumption.
According to the prisoner's dilemma hypothesis, two parties must decide whether to collaborate during the decision-making process in order to arrive at the best outcome. Making decisions that are optimal for the individual, the business, the economy, or society requires cooperation.These parties act in their own self-interests rather than cooperating to defend themselves since they are unable to communicate about the problem. A less than ideal or poorer outcome results as a result, which affects both participants. This strategy is used so that people or other entities can comprehend that self-interested decisions aren't always the best.
LEARN MORE ABOUT Prisoner's Dilemma HERE: