Yes because they have a matlchien that moves every time the earth moves a bit and then they gradually get bigger
sympatric speciation
Species of fruit fly larvae in the genus Rhagoletis each feed on a particular kind of fruit. Rhagoletis pomonella feeds on the small red fruit of the hawthorn tree. In 1865, farmers in the Hudson River valley found that R. pomonella flies had begun attacking their apples and then spread to apple orchards in adjacent areas of Massachusetts and Connecticut. These now separate varieties of flies, the apple and haw flies, usually don't interbreed with each other because their periods of mating coincide with the different ripening times of apples and hawthorn fruit. Each variety is becoming specialized to feed and reproduce in its own particular microhabitat and may be transitioning to separate species.If the apple and haw flies become distinct enough to be separate species, their evolution is an example of sympatric speciation
Root, in botany, that part of a vascular plant normally underground. Its primary functions are anchorage of the plant, absorption of water and dissolved minerals and conduction of these to the stem, and storage of reserve foods. The root differs from the stem mainly by lacking leaf scars and buds, having a root cap, and having branches that originate from internal tissue rather than from buds.
Burning coal
The emissions of carbon dioxide would reduce because then they will consume less gasoline. Instead of coal burning, this would reduce the overall concentrations of greenhouse gas emissions and generate energy from wind.