U can do it your self its a cross word for crying out loud
Lactase refers to an enzyme that can dissociate lactose sugar into glucose and galactose. This enzyme plays an important role in the digestion of milk that comprises high lactose sugar. In case, if a mutation occurs in the gene codon of lactase, then two possibilities can take place. These are as follows:
1. Loss of mutation: In this case, the person becomes lactose intolerant because of mutation in lactase gene codon. Due to this, there is low mRNA expression and thus low production of the enzyme lactase. This is also known as lactase non-persistent phenotype.
2. Gain in mutation: In this case, the person gain an increase in mRNA expression of the lactase gene, thus more production of lactase takes place than usual. This kind of individual exhibits lactase persistent phenotype.
This short description given clearly describes the Milky Way Galaxy. It is a collection of millions of stars, dusts, and gases that form a halo of hot gas. Some scientists theorized that within this galaxy are thousands of other galaxies that could possibly hold other life forms.
Complex carbohydrates contain longer chains of sugar molecules than simple carbohydrates. The body converts these sugar molecules into glucose, which it uses for energy. As complex carbohydrates have longer chains, they take longer to break down and provide more lasting energy in the body than simple carbohydrates