The percent change of 13.7 to 40.2 is 193.4%
To find percentage change, you need to find the difference between the two numbers. In this case, 26.5.
You then divide 26.5 by 13.7 and move the decimal point two spaces to the right.
First, we are going to find the sum of their age. To do that we are going to add the age of Eli, the age Freda, and the age of Geoff:
The combined age of Eli, Freda, and Geoff is 40, so the denominator of each ratio will be 40.
Next, we are going to multiply the ratio between the age of the person and their combined age by £800:
For Eli:
For Freda:
For Geoff:
We can conclude that Eli will get £180, Freda will get £260, and Geoff will get £360.
Step-by-step explanation:
E^x is not zero for any finite value of x.
The number of values for which e^x is zero is zero.
Scale= 3 x=9 y=15
Step-by-step explanation: