Answer:columnar describes cell shape.
Simple describe the number of layers
Explanation: epithelial tissues are one of the four major tissues of the body.the others being nervous, muscular, connective tissues.
Epithelial tissues are made up of thin cells that cover the external and internal surface of the body.
The cells may form one layer or more and they occur in several shapes.if they form one layer ,it is called simple.if they form several layers,it is called stratified.
Some are called pseudo-stratified because the cells occur with varying lengths and give the impression of stratified but they are actually made up of one layer.
Simple columnar epithelium is a single layer of tall, closely packed cells. They possess cellular extensions ,such as microvilli in the small intestine, or the cilia in the female reproductive tract.
If a group of organs working together is called an organ system, and there are about 11 major body systems including the nervous system, the nervour system must be an organ system.
The answer would be the hippocampus it is responsible for the formation of the nerves to make long-term memories.
Centre of Gravity
The centre of gravity (COG) of the human body is a hypothetical point around which the force of gravity appears to act. It is point at which the combined mass of the body appears to be concentrated[1]. Because it is a hypothetical point, the COG need not lie within the physical bounds of an object or person. One subjective way (there are objective measures) to approximate the COG of an object is to visualise it balancing on one finger.
Centre of Gravity in the Human Body
In the anatomical position, the COG lies approximately anterior to the second sacral vertebra. However, since human beings do not remain fixed in the anatomical position, the precise location of the COG changes constantly with every new position of the body and limbs. The bodily proportions of the individual will also affect the location of the COG.
Answer:Stress that all living beings are systems. This is the main principle of the unity of life. A system has a unity that is not equal to the sum of its parts. ... Emphasize that the diversity of life has its roots in different conditions under which different biological organisms evolve and exist.