The Battle of Kings Mountain is considered the most significant battle of the Southern campaign of the American Revolution because it was the first major American victory.
During the Battle of King’s Mountain, the Patriots were able to surround and dominate British Loyalists leading to major losses and the killing of British Major Ferguson. After seeing Ferguson fall, Loyalists were led to surrender.
adages are wise advices given by people
c it was the case that started segregation in the united state
Answer: Retrieval
Explanation: Retrieval is the process of bringing back or reviving about some information that has been stored in the long-term memory. The long term memory stores the the informative events, happening and data .
The problem faced by Janie is retrieval of information from the long-term memory according to the situation mentioned in the question.She remembered the fifth point when the exam was over and thus the retrieval of information was late.
Explanation: Short term manpower is concerned with the process of matching the existing employees with their current jobs so that they perform efficiently.
There should be perfect correlation between the jobs and individuals. In the short run, it is the responsibility of the management to adjust employees with the jobs.
Management find it very difficult to retrench the employees due to legal constraints and social obligations on the part of the employer.
Long term manpower planning, management has plenty of time to make required adjustments by taking necessary steps. Long term manpower planning covers a longer span of time say 15 to 20 years or so, for meeting manpower requirements of a concern.