You can do fund raisers with many people to praticeppate in , you can learn from your elders, you can teach or read to the little kids in the community, and make cookies for your neaghbors.
NEUROTICISM is the degree to which a person is anxious, irritable, aggressive and moody.
Defined as a long-term tendency to be in a negative emotional state, those people who suffer from this personality trait tend to have more depressed moods.
Individuals who are neurotic endure feelings of guilt, envy, anger, and anxiety more frequently and more severely than other individuals.
England protected them during the French and Indian war
Yea I think that people who are married are less likely to commit suicide than people who are divorced because when you're married is like you're not lonely not saying that when you're divorced you're lonely but like it's just better when you have someone I think
This represents the source of research ideas called classroom lecture.
There are several sources which can inspire and help someone to develop a research question. Some of them are theory, everyday occurrence, serendipity and past research. In this case, Whitney was taught about the bystander effect in her social psychology course and she was inspired to undertake an undergraduate research project on this subject.