IUD has the lowest typical failure rate.
French Guiana - controlled by France
Suriname - Official language is Dutch
Ecuador - Mostly exports of bananas and oil; population is mostly mestizo
El Salvador -The highest population density in the region of South America
The capitalist economic system. A capitalist economy is a for profit one, where people engage in production and business dealing (e.g. trading) in order to produce private profit (e.g. wage).
Conducting a 360- degree feedback process
A 360-degree feedback is a method or a process by which feedback or opinions from an employee's colleagues, subordinates and supervisor, as well as a self-evaluation by the individual themselves is gathered.
Here, individuals compare views of their own performance with the behaviorally specific performance info from their colleagues manager, subordinates, and peers.
In the context, Dr. Davis invites his colleagues to attend his class and asks them give or provide feedback on his teaching methods and about engaging his students. Thus Dr Davis is trying to conduct a 360- degree feedback process.
Answer:the world is going through a lot right now