Physical activity causes an increase in your heart rate. Your body have to change the way it behaves so you don’t get ill or sick or pass out during physical exertion
During the process of breathing, the diaphragm contract by moving
downward and upward and this process usually increase or decrease the space in
the chest cavity. However, intercostal muscles between the ribs also help to enlarge
the chest cavity or reduce the space in the chest cavity.
The correct answer is option (d)-"All of these are found in the fossil record and have been used by scientists to understand human evolution".
There is plenty of evidence that supports the proposal of how humans has evolved during past times. The fossil records that scientists has used understand human evolutionary patterns include the following. Ardipithecus ramidus bones that revealed advances in upright walking, even tough they had a small brain that measured between 300 and 350 cm3. Australopithecus lack of an opposable big toe suggest that they lived on the ground instead of in trees. Homo erectus was the first species to use and control fire, as suggested by evidence of microscopic traces of wood ash.
d.incinerators are to reducing