Tasks that involve identification of an object would be expected to activate neurons of the <u>ventral stream</u>, while tasks that identify the location of an object would activate the <u>dorsal stream</u>.
The visual information is transferred to the temporal lobe from the primary visual cortex through the pathway of a ventral stream. The ventral stream conveys information related to object form and recognition.
The ventral stream is used for vision perception, while the dorsal stream is used for vision action.
The action and recognition of the location of the objects in space is carried out by dorsal stream. The dysfunction of the dorsal stream may lead to complexity of a visual scene and reduced visual perceptions.
There are two ways of interaction of Mecca with the Bedouin tribes. One was that it was situated on the way which was used for the trade caravans and nomadic tribes protected the trade routes. The other was the religious interactions as Mecca was the house of Kaba the Holy House and the tribes used to worship various gods which were placed inside Kaba, that was a significant factors the Mecca was considered the central point of the area.
The adaptation of the laws was significantly delayed with respect to sociocultural development. The equalization of homosexuals was part and consequence of a liberalization of sexuality with respect to cultural traditions, which have been losing importance during the twentieth century and that gave way to the concept of individual sexual freedom. The emancipation of homosexuals began in the USA. UU. during world war II. Important milestones along the way were the study Male sexual behavior (1948) by Alfred Kinsey, the foundation of the Mattachine Society (1950), the civil rights movement (1955-1968), some of whose promoters would later become activists homosexuals, the Stonewall riots (1969), the creation of fighting organizations, such as the Gay Liberation Front (1969), the elimination of homosexuality from the catalog of diseases of the Psychiatric Association of the United States (1973), the reorientation of the movement gay during the AIDS crisis (since 1981), the inclusion of minorities, such as transsexuals (since the 1990s), and the struggle for gay marriage in the 21st century.