Texicans organizing themselves to influence government is a Fundamental right.
There are <u>four types of rights:</u>
- Legal rights: They come from other acts of legislation.
- Fundamental rights: They are provided in the constitution.
- Human rights
- Cultural rights
The <u>Fundamental rights</u> include the following:
- Right to liberty
- Right to self-determination
- Right to freedom of movement
- Right to due process of law
- Right to freedom of thought
- Right to freedom of religion
- Right to freedom of expression
- Right to freedom of association
- Right to freedom of assembly
In this particular case, Texicans are using their <u>right to freedom of assembly</u>, which is defined as: The right of people to <u>collectively express and pursue their shared ideas</u>.
The geography of Egypt had a significant effect on the development of the Egyptian civilisation. The Nile flowed through Egypt and flooded every year. The floods brought fresh deposits of fertile soil which ancient Egyptian farmers used to develop a prosperous agricultural economy. The Egyptian civilisation grew from the farmer's crops and all aspects of society were connected in some way to agriculture and the inundation.<span>
La respuesta es la b estaban divididos por colinas escarpadas que los dejaban desconectados no unidos,
Al ser una isla con son montañosa abundate era bastante difícil su acceso y eso dificultaba las cosas pero en las partes bajas se daba el cultivo y comercio
Her diary gave us information about Siege of Vicksburg.
<u>Emma Balfour is considered to be a celebrated diarist of the Siege of Vicksburg. </u>
In a famous event, she refused to leave and even gave shelter to the soldiers.
She kept a daily diary during her life, recording all the happenings, emotions, sufferings and life during the siege of her city. She wrote about military actions, but also about the everyday lives of the people who tried to survive, about supplies that were lacking, and about fears that they will experience the worst.
Emma survived the siege and her diary today tells us the first-hand testimony of the experience of the Siege of Vicksburg.