Hi! Make sure that the website has a few things. Proper Keywords, the pages have the proper tags, a form on the website, contact information, CIty State, Etc., Then a phone number. Social media icons that link properly to the social media pages.
Option A is correct.
The following is an illustration of such a resource which is also personal usage as well as corporate capital, that system required primarily to track the contribution of both the Chief executive and also to execute the Form 1040.
- Option B is incorrect because the system required exclusively to email workers concerning the operations of the organization isn't an illustration of such a resource which is both personal usage and commercial property.
- Option C is also incorrect because it is seen that the following option is not the illustration of such a scenario.
- Option D is incorrect because the storage facility being required through the Chief executive to preserve confidential documents is not the correct illustration of such a scenario.
- Option E is incorrect because there are not all the resources are for the personal as well as commercial use.
- food_category = {
- "Fruits": ["Apple", "Strawberries", "Orange"],
- "Vegetables": ["Carrots", "Peas", "Onions"],
- "Meats": ["Chicken", "Beef", "Mutton"]
- }
- for cat in food_category:
- output = cat + ": "
- for food in food_category[cat]:
- output += food + ", "
- print(output)
- answer = input("Do you want to add category or food (Y - Yes N - No): ")
- while(answer == "Y"):
- choice = input("New Category (N) or New Food (nf): ")
- if(choice == "N"):
- new_cat = input("Enter new category name: ")
- if(new_cat not in food_category):
- food_category[new_cat] = ""
- elif(choice == "nf"):
- cat = input("Enter category: ")
- new_food = input("Enter new food name: ")
- food_category[cat].append(new_food)
- answer = input("Do you want to add new category or food (Y - Yes N - No): ")
- print("All food categories: ")
- for cat in food_category:
- print(cat)
- selected_cat = input("Select a category to view the food list: ")
- output = ""
- for food in food_category[selected_cat]:
- output += food + ", "
- print(output)
The solution code is written in Python 3.
Firstly, create a food category dictionary data structure (Line 1 -5). Next, display all the food category and the food in each category (Line 7 - 11)
Next prompt user to feedback if they wish to add new category or new food (Line 13).
While the answer is yes prompt user to enter their choice, either category or food and use if else if statements to handle the choice made by the user. If the choice is new category, prompt user to enter new category name and check if the new category is already exist in the dictionary. If not, add that category to dictionary (Line 18 - 21).
If the choice is food, nf, prompt user to input food category and enter the new food name and add it to the food_category list (Line 22 - 25).
After that prompt user to enter if they wish to continue to add new data (Line 27).
After collecting all info from user, write a for loop to display all the categories (Line 29 - 31).
At last, prompt user to select a category and display all the food of the selected category (Line 33 - 37).
You would not be taken as seriously as you should be by other businesses.
Software development life cycle is about building a software (“only”) in a phased approach systematically.
System development life cycle is about implementing hardware and software in a phased manner systematically.
Here both the hardware and the software is considered as a system.
Hope this helps!