Syndicated Data
Syndicated is a general data which does not represents a single entity, it includes a vast number of entities data that is aggregated to analyze how much value the company can drive from this aggregate amount. So the data that helps in analyzing the environment in general to plan the future move of organization is known as Syndicated Data. The manager is collecting aggregate data that comes from a wide number of bands, including industry sales by musical styles, online views, etc. is a syndicated data.
In a structural way
the chart is the diagram that shows how the power flows through the company as it indicates the levels of hierarchy within.
<span>the key to bowsight is to practice judging distance accurately. The shooter can keep both the eyes open while aiming. Its more versatile and takes longer time to become perfect.</span>
Supervision and review ( B )
supervision and review is part of a firm's policy used to check the results of its previous actions or inaction that will affect the growth and profitability of the business of the company .
Review is a way of evaluating the personnel advancement experience of the individuals given a certain task performed the given task excellently, while supervision is used to guide the individuals while they are actually carrying out the task and also to determine if they meet the predetermined criteria before being assigned to the task. while professional ethics is the general standard set for every one regardless of the task you perform .
C. is the practice of selling goods in a foreign market at less than cost.
As it relates to international trade, dumping <u>is the practice of selling goods in a foreign market at less than cost</u>. Dumping is the practice of selling a product in a foreign market at an unfairly low price (a price that is lower than the cost in the home market) or in order to gain some advantage over the other suppliers.