What makes us human the most is our self-awareness and the ability of philosophical thought.
We understand we exist on Earth and wonder why the sky is blue, which is a trait no other species possesses.
Orangutans, chimpanzees, gorillas, bottlenose dolphins, elephants, orcas and bonobos all have self-awareness. But still don't wonder why the sky is blue.
Animals were seen capable of doing all the other factors.
They convert a lot of their waste into useful substances through photosynthesis. Gaseous wastes are excreted during respiration through the plant's stomata and root cell walls. At night, when photosynthesis cannot occur, excess water is released through the tips of the leaves.
Other waste products are released as leaves and flowers fall off of a plant. In addition to oxygen, water and carbon dioxide, other plant waste products include resins, saps, latex and tannins. Some of these products are released into the soil surrounding the plant.