After the surrender of the Confederate Army, Lincoln is extremely conciliatory to the South. The reason why he does this is because he wants the Confederate States to rejoin the United States in a way that will help the country move forward peacefully.
With this in mind, Lincoln introduces the 10% plan. Only 10% of citizens within a particular state had to vote in agreement to join the United States again. The only condition of rejoining the US that the citizens had to agree to was the promise to never secede from the US again. This plan made it easy for the Southern states to rejoin.
A, Control inflation through monetary policy.
In the Soviet Union, propaganda was used extensively in order to spread the dominant Marxist-Leninist ideology and to promote support for the Communist Party. During the government of Stalin, it became present everywhere, including in the social and natural sciences taught at school.
All published items were not only subject to censorship if they contained undesirable information, but they were also edited to promote particular views. The figure of Stalin was greatly idealized. He was presented as a benevolent, protective father figure and a hero of the Revolution.
Any deviation from ideology could be punished by execution and labor camps, as well as punitive psychiatry and loss of citizenship.
D. Renaissance
Okay, we can automatically rule out the Cold War because that was in a completely different era with Russians and whatnot. We can also rule out the Industrial Revolution because that was also in a different time period. Now, the Protestant Reformation was about people leaving the Catholic Church, and it was during that time period, but it wasn't about Greek and Roman literature and stuff, so that leaves us with the Renaissance. The Renaissance was the time period of artists like Leonardo da Vinci, and scientists like Issac Newton (I think, don't quote me on that), and enlightenment thinkers like John Locke, so I think that the Renaissance is the best answer
c. borrow words from other languages.
d. invent languages.
e. use abstract terms including past and future.
Linguists are experts who engage in the scientific study, analysis and preservation of language.
Linguists agree the ability to speak a language sets humans apart from other animals because we can invent languages, borrow words from other languages and use abstract terms including past and future.
On the other hand, animals cannot do any of the aforementioned because they are not as smart, intelligent and creative as the human species.
Hence, this set humans apart from other animals as higher level animals with the ability to use language as a tool for effective and efficient communication. Humans can use language as an expression of emotions, feelings and connotation.