The Japanese people are really not that interested in exposing the Sumo scandal because it would deteriorate their reputation.
- The Japanese people believe that the idea that the world bears about Japan would be compromised if a revelation in the Sumo Scandal case is given.
- It is apparent that there has been corruption in the case and the investigation has been compromised. But the Japanese people fear the downgrading of the image that they have in the world.
Select committee
is a small group of people which are gathered from members of parliaments to investigate a specific public issues. (For example : Climate change).
Select committee will be granted with the power to hire experts from relevant fields to help them create a set of legislatures that can tackle the issues.
Joint committee
Is a temporary collaboration that is initiated by different houses in bicameral legislature. IN most cases. These houses usually oppose one another due to their different party affiliation. But when joint committee is formed, they will settle down their difference and make a cooperating effort to tackle a certain problem that worry the public.
standing committee
Standing committee is considered to be more permanent compared to the other two. Rather than specific issues, they have the power to create legislation to address the nations' problems as a whole. (such as influencing the amount of budget that can be used by the government for each programs)
The Black Death or plague hit Europe not long after the fall of Rome.
I am going to be awesome and nice for thanksgiving!