Talmadge and some southern Democrats opposed the “New Deal” proposal on the grounds of: fear of the federal government interfering in state and local matters, not wanting an end to white supremacy ideals (not wanting African Americans to receive equal pay to Whites), not wanting the government to increase spending, and not wanting the government to offer higher wages to laborers taking away workers from the local landowners.
C Hinduism
While all of these religions are practiced widely in Europe, Hinduism is not an Abrahamic religion. Hinduisim does not view Abraham as a prophet while Christianity, Islam, and Judaism do.
It was bought to help expand territory in the United States, Louis & Clark went to explore the territory, Thomas Jefferson who was president at the time purchased the land, They were trying to buy more land from the French but the French realized it was a scam, the borders were from colorado to arkansa.
The common law system is based on tradition, precedent, and custom.