Absolute states has solid political stability which is very favorable for business and peace at time. However,usually unless the absolute ruler is enlightened, the disadvantages by far surpasses the advantages. Usually, liberties and rights are the first casualty of such a type of rule. The other problem is the excesses of a sovereign who may chose to rule in total disregard of the rule of law.
Odysseus wanted revenge in his own household. The suiters inside his home showed no respect to Penelope nor the servants. While Odysseus was disguised, he was able to unravel the true attitudes of those serving him. The only argument to this is that Odysseus was already thought to be dead and the suitors were mostly hoping to take over that ruling. Should he be prosecuted? I believe that Odysseus was just trying to take over his household again. Since most in his household were disrespectful to his commands that they all leave, he had no choice but to justifiably kill those in his household with reason.
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Each element has its unique properties, each contain a different number of protons and neutrons giving it its own atomic number and mass number
silver is (uncountable) a lustrous white metallic element, atomic number 47, atomic mass 10787 symbol ag while iron is (uncountable) a common. inexpensive metal often black in colour that rusts is attracted by magnets and used in making steel
A "Letter from the Birmingham Jail," written by Martin Luther King Jr. is a response to white clerics who claimed he was extremist and violent. A specific example that King addressed was the "willingness to break the laws" that clerics had seen as a threat to society. He then defines this term of an "unjust law" by stating that "an unjust law is a human law that is not rooted in the eternal and natural law." In one example, King exemplifies how something can be legally and morally wrong. "We can never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal." In this way Martin Luther King examines human laws that in many cases are contrary to the "eternal and natural law".
George Washington was the first president of the U.S.