Haile Selassie personally directed campaigns against the Italian troops in northern Abyssinia, but the better equipped Italian troops, coupled with the willingness to deploy chemical weapons, frustrated the Abyssinian Emperor.
Well without a description om shooting in the dark. But id assume that the answer is Trench Warfare. Since A- was around since contact with Native Americans and largely popular in North America. B- Only was used and discovered in WW2. And C- was used but was largely frowned upon and condemned by both sides.<span />
F. the need to add a Bill of Rights. The Federalists didn't want to add the Bill of Rights because they thought that the new constitution would be enough while the Anti-Federalists thought that the new government would threaten individual liberties if there wasn't a Bill of Rights
Humans are not as magnificent as the sun. A
and on the next question its “men are mortal, and putrid and corrupt"
trust me i got it right
Espanol: ¿ Crees que, en la actulidad, las personas valor an elephant trabajo coming una fuerza transformadora?
La respuesta: En la actualidad debido a la pandemia, las personas han aprendido a valorar el trabajo como una fuerza transforadora.
English: Do you think people today value work as a transformative force?
Answer: Today because of the pandemic, people have learned to value work as a transformative force.
(I don’t know if the English thing is right or Spanish so if I’m wrong I’m sorry so stay with me because I’m still learning Spanish)