1. Choice (a) is correct. In a real-life labor union strikes, it usually begins with a notice of strike to be sent to an employer within 60 days known as the cooling-off period. Then, labor unions' strikes begin. If they feel that they are ignored by the employer, then picketing happens. Labor unions carry signs and other rally paraphernalia in the premises of the employer informing the public about their sentiments towards the employer. In this case, the employer will ask the labor union to reach an agreement through collective bargaining agreement.
2. Choice (a) is correct. The management has three tools to use in case of disagreement. These are an injunction, lockout, and hiring replacement workers. An injunction is a judicial order telling the person from doing so. A lockout is a temporary work stoppage or denial of employment. Hiring replacement workers simply mean looking for another competent worker that can do the job of the vacated position.
B) David will most likely lose the case as it is legal for police officers to be subjected to mandatory retirement.
According to relevant laws, an officer must retire upon attaining the age of 62 of after 20 years of uniformed service (if it is an Early Retirement) or 22 years of uniformed service (if it is a Normal Retirement).
Regardless of whether it is a Normal or Early retirement, the officer must disengage at the age of 62.
The relevant laws which govern the administration of the NYPD retirement process as wells pensions are:
- the Administrative Code of the City of New York (NYCAC);
- the New York State Retirement and Social Security Law (RSSL), and
- the Rules of New York City Police Pension Fund (NYCPPF)
Non-profit organisation
According to the given details, Green heaven is probably a non-profit organisation. Non-profit organisations or NGOs are usually exempted from federal and state income taxes. These organisations are exempted from the taxes to encourage voluntary work and to help poor and needy people. Some Non-profit organisations are also listed in the stock market and they also pay dividends.
A. Collateral
Collateral is a pledge that is given to a person in exchange for a loan (of something). The pledge could be redeemed after the loan has been returned (along with whatever strings has come attached with borrowing the item).