To multiply decimals: Set up and multiply the numbers as you do with whole numbers. Count the total number of decimal places in both of the factors. Place the decimal point in the product so that the number of decimal places in the product is the sum of the decimal places in the factors.
Step-by-step explanation:
Any number that can be written in p/q from is a rational number
“huh” is the interjection!
For 3 sides to form a triangle two sides added together need to be greater then the 3rd side. You need to check all 3 combinations:
1. 11.5 + 10.5 = 22, 22> 6.1
11.5 + 6.1 = 17.6 17.6 > 10.5
10.5 + 6.1 = 16.6, 16.6 > 11.5
This one can make a triangle.
2. 9.5 + 3.5 > 4.5
9.5 + 4.5 > 3.5
4.5 + 3.5 < 9.5
Cannot make a triangle.
3. 8 + 6.7 > 1
6.7 + 1 < 8
Cannot make a triangle.
4. Can make a triangle
5. Can
6. Can