Mr. B developed a neumotorax, therefore doctors inserted a chest tube to alleviate the pressure.
When a lung is punctured, air flows into the pleural space and because of the pressure it generates, it does not allow for the lung to expand normally. In this case, is best to insert a tube that enables air to leave the cavity and alleviates the pressure on the lung. In this way the lung can expand properly again.
If you really can't move your arm because of the sting, and there is pus, the best thing you can do to yourself is go to the Emergency doctor. You can take an ibuprofen if the pain is too hard.
The Swiss developmental psychologist Jean Piaget used the term assimilation to explain the process in which people understand an experience in terms of their current stage of cognitive development and way of thinking. Assimilation is included in the adaptation process and includes the learning of new information and incorporation of that new information into our existing knowledge.
The cardiovascular system transport nutrients throughout the body to serve its needs