the black fly goes on the top right. the grey fly goes on the bottom left
A transverse section cut is a cross section took by slicing, really or through imaging techniques, the body or any part of the body structure, in a horizontal plane, a plane that crosses the longitudinal axis at a right angle. In other words, it divides the body into superior and inferior parts which is also known as the top and bottom parts.
(C) Competitive inhibition
When a substrate competes with and inhibitor, what they are actually doing is competing by the active site of the enzyme. In terms of probabilities, when there is much more of one molecule of X than its competitor Y, it is more likely for any of the molecules of X to reach the active site of the enzyme than for any of the molecules of Y.
Then is one would like to reduce the effects of an inhibitor reversible bonded to an enzyme, one possibility is to increase the concentration of a substrate (which in turn means that there will be a higher relative number of its molecules in the media), increasing the probability to meet the active site of the enzyme and as a result displacing the inhibitor (assuming it not increased as well).
The reason fat cells grow bigger could be because they live longer and have important long-term functions.
headaches, lethargy or feeling tired, cravings, muscle pain, nausea, bloating and even insomnia.