Wiglaf is presented as an honorable, brave, and a loyal man. Even though his companions aren't brave people who wish to battle, he reminds them of the anglo-saxon values and chooses to help, instead of cower. A true warrior should never back down from a battle according to him, and he remains loyal and helpful.
I know this is not in here but from my test it is
He is wise and regretful.
Rule 1! HAVE FUN!
The Golden Rule: Treat others the way you want to be treated. That is, you shouldn't be rude or offensive, nor should you threaten or physically/verbally abuse anyone.
Follow Rachel's Challenge.
Don't be exclusive, be inclusive, be extrinsic, be extensive, be wild, respectful, and joyful!
Work hard in school.
It alludes to the biblical story of Lazarus, who
tamously was risen from the
It reverses biblical ideas, calling the Bible itself
into question as a religious
It portrays the religious teachings given to the
chimney sweepers to be
empty and of little real value.
It has no connection to the Bible, as a work of
fiction from 19th century
England was unlikely to draw from the Bible.
It’s answer c
12 Things You Do That Are Holding You Back From Success. You compare yourself to others. You ask yourself the wrong questions. You wait for others' permission. You wait for the “right” time. You expect instant results. You don't take action. You create fake busyness. You listen to everyone but yourself.