The dependent variable is the outcome variable
False. It's not always reliable. For example, in lab mice, saccharin has caused tumors. But for humans to get cancer from saccharin, we would have to take in astronomical levels of saccharin, which we, as humans, don't do.
D. Producer, packager, distributer, retailer
I hope this helped!
<span>If each of the pairs of
chromosomes was heterozygous (what gives you the highest potential
number of different gametes), then the number of possible gametes
increases from 4 to 8 for a diploid organism. To figure out how many
are possible, raise the number of homologous chromsomes (2 for a diploid
organism) to the power of the number of chromosomes. So if you have
two different chromosomes (A and B), raise 2 to the 2nd power (or
multiply 2 x 2) and you have 4. If you have chromosomes A, B, and C,
then you have 2^3, or 2 x 2 x 2 = 8.
To show possible combinations, AaBb gives you AB, Ab, aB, or ab. AaBbCc
gives possible gametes of ABC, ABc, AbC, Abc, aBC, aBc, abC, and abc. </span>