#1: No #2: Yes #3: Yes #4: Yes

Multiply complex numbers 5+6i and 5-6i in the same way as you multiply binomials.

By definition, i² is -1.

Do the multiplications.

Now cancel -30i & +30i

Now the equation becomes

Hope it helps.
A. Is answer F
B. Could be E or F
2x² - 3x + 6 = 0
a = 2 b = -3 c = 6
delta = b² - 4ac = 9 - 4.2.6 = -39

Answer: a) -7/12 ft/s, -20 ft/s, -7 ft/s
b) 527/24 Ft²/s
c) 2/25 rad/sec
Step-by-step explanation:
a) b=7 ; a^2+b^2 = 25^2
a^2+b^2 = 625
Differentiate w.r.t = 2a (da/dt) + 2b ( db/dt) = 0

As found from above put a=24 b=7,15 and 24. You will get the reuqired answer.
b) Area of the triangle = 1/2 * b*h
differentiate wrt to time leads to the following relation:

c) sin (Θ) = b/25
differentiate it again to give