See attached file.
See attached file for detailed code.
Answer explained
From the previous question we know that while searching for n^(1/r) we don't have to look for guesses less than 0 and greater than n. Because for less than 0 it will be an imaginary number and for rth root of a non negative number can never be greater than itself. Hence lowEnough = 0 and tooHigh = n.
we need to find 5th root of 47226. The computation of root is costlier than computing power of a number. Therefore, we will look for a number whose 5th power is 47226. lowEnough = 0 and tooHigh = 47226 + 1. Question that should be asked on each step would be "Is 5th power of number < 47227?" we will stop when we find a number whose 5th power is 47226.
B. volunteer bias.
-Experimenter bias is when the expectations of the experimenter in regards to the outcome are communicated to the participants in any form.
-Volunteer bias refers to a situation in which the people that volunteer to take place in a study doesn't represent the general public.
-Research bias is when the experimenter influence the result to get a specific outcome.
-Social desirability bias is when the people taking part in a study give their responses in a way that is viewed as favorable.
According to this, the answer is that the situation would be an example of volunteer bias.
polynomial-time 3-approximation for the maximum matching problem in 3-regular hypergraphs as follows: Given a 3-regular hypergraph, find a matching with maximum cardinality.
see explaination
If I am to select I will select the strategy Impute the missing values . Because rather than deleting and all the other strategies. This is the best option because, this is an optional field as described there is no need for such accurate information about salary.
If we want to maintain this field we can just fill the value by identifying the similar records which is the other customers who is visiting the same no of times and fill that.